Stay connected is our membership program for you who would like to stay closely linked to Tent, get information about what goes on and receive special content and discounts.
As a member of Stay Connected you will
• Be the first to receive information about courses, events and other things that go on in Tent.
• Get discounts on courses, events, and publications.
• Receive exclusive content made for people in Tent’s programs.
You will also be invited to Tent Brazil’s annual conference that is made exclusively for supporters and members of our GO Ahead, GO Together and Stay Connected programs.
You can join Stay Connected for a small monthly amount. Currently the program is offered by Tent Brazil and Tent South Africa.
Join us today by filling in the form below!
Let us work together.
If you desire that there could be at least one Christian colleague or student making a difference in all workplaces and places of study worldwide, you belong with us!
Welcome to the Tent movement!