Task or need?

Devotional, week 2

“Pray without ceasing”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17, KJV) 

Task or need? One of the things I often hear about prayer is: “I do not have time”, or “I tried getting up early to pray, but it just did not work for me.” My answer is always: “Who said you have to do that?”  

Prayer is so much more than just another have-to-do. After years of having heard much teaching about prayer and being a part of and leading many prayer groups, I get frustrated when I hear of another book on prayer or yet another prayer group arising. It seems like people either think prayer is a magic wand to get what they want or a formula to twist the arm of God, also for what they want.  

I feel prayer is not something I must do. It is something I need to do. I truly know I will not get through the next minute, hour, or day without declaring my need for guidance, wisdom, strategy, and peace. Oh, the wonderful peace. Philippians 4:7, NIV: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When we realize our utter dependence on God, we cannot but “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, KJV). The more we pray, the more we want to pray.  

Our days are full of so many things that demand our attention. Jesus was in the same situation. He had multitudes following Him daily. In addition, his twelve disciples contended for His attention. Jesus knew He had limited time to prepare, equip and empower them to continue the Father’s work. Still, He found the time to pull away from the crowds as well as his inner circle - to find solitude and connect with Abba Father. He retreated for moments in the busy times, in the early mornings and during the night. I do not think He had a rule that he should pray every morning, during the night, and every hour. He prayed because He needed to.  

If He needed to pray, so do we. When we realize that we do not have to pray, but we start to see our own inability to accomplish anything without the help of God, we start seeing the need for prayer.  

Let us pray! Father, help me to prioritize You in my days, and to depend on You more fully. 


Called to be ambassadors

