Reflect Christ's Love at Work
Article Paulo Ribeiro Article Paulo Ribeiro

Reflect Christ's Love at Work

People around us evaluate us by our behaviour. What we say and how we react to things in our daily lives, form their impression of us - and of our faith. This applies also in our workplace. How do you react to pressure, challenges, and frustrations? How are your conversations with your colleagues. How do you respond when something is not working out as you want it to? As Christians, we are called to be light and salt, not only in our churches, but also as professional colleagues.

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Steadfast faith in tough times 
Devotional Paulo Ribeiro Devotional Paulo Ribeiro

Steadfast faith in tough times 

Living a Christian life amid a world full of challenges, uncertainties and adversities can be an arduous journey. It is easy to feel discouraged and lost during storms in our lives. However, the bible reminds us that faith gives a solid foundation on which we can stand, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart. 

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Guided on the Journey: Trusting the Lord's Path
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Guided on the Journey: Trusting the Lord's Path

Life is a journey through a changing landscape on a road with twists and turns. We may sometimes go through a flat valley where we are able to see far ahead, at other times we only see to the next bend. For those who know the Lord and walk with Him, we have the huge blessing of a guide who knows the whole way to the end.

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Commanded to rest
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Commanded to rest

I do not regard myself as a legalist. When it comes to observing one day off per week, I am however strict. For my family and me, as for most Christians around the world, Sunday has been our holy day of the week.

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Not on my terms!
Devotional Praise Mark Devotional Praise Mark

Not on my terms!

People who prepare to serve Jesus through their work in other nations, must prepare well. The stage in the preparation that is most significant and usually takes the longest time, is to decide to go.

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Divine friendships
Devotional Praise Mark Devotional Praise Mark

Divine friendships

One of the astounding truths I learned during my first training on tentmaking was that the number one reason for people coming to Christ, is relationships or friendships between those who follow Jesus and those who do not know him yet.

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Clear eyes , true hearts! 
Devotional Elizabeth Strauss Devotional Elizabeth Strauss

Clear eyes , true hearts! 

I recognize that we all have our shortcomings, and it is important to pay attention to any warnings given. It is easy to assume that these warnings apply to others, but we must remember our responsibility as humans to govern the earth (as stated in Genesis 2:26-28) and not solely focus on spiritual significance.

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Healthy Heart! 
Article Elizabeth Strauss Article Elizabeth Strauss

Healthy Heart! 

As I reflected on the intentions behind my actions, I noticed my thoughts shifting toward the physical realm. It was during this introspection that I began to realize the connection between my spiritual and natural perspectives.

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It is written
Devotional Praise Mark Devotional Praise Mark

It is written

As the Psalmist admitted, God's word is what gives understanding, illumination, and purpose to our life. How do we find our way in a world where truth is hated and lies celebrated?

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When life happens
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

When life happens

Like many people I have met, you likely have a carefully crafted plan outlining your daily, weekly, monthly, and even future goals. However, unexpected events can occur…

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Go and make
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Go and make

One of the things I found hard when I first accepted the position at my current workplace in 2012, was that everyone around me was a believer. 

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Meetings organized by God #2
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Meetings organized by God #2

When we pray for God to organize divine meetings, we will start looking out for these appointments that he may have created. For me, I must admit that most days pass by without my knowledge of having any special, God-ordained encounters with others.

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Meetings organized by God #I 
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Meetings organized by God #I 

The Bible has many stories about people who seemingly meets randomly. When we look closer at things, we do however see God’s finger behind the encounter. It is like God brought the people together without them knowing it.

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A heart for others
Devotional Praise Mark Devotional Praise Mark

A heart for others

“The city of Jerusalem is in ruins and those living in it are in great distress”. These were the words of Hanani, one of the brothers of Nehemiah, accompanied by other men who had just returned from Judah.

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Golden rule and customer care
Devotional Steinar Opheim Devotional Steinar Opheim

Golden rule and customer care

“This is a hike and not a training session,” says my coach, Frank. His job is to take people on hikes in the mountains. Frank has a deep voice. His practical style and way of talking resembles his passion in life; hiking. He draws forth a big blue rucksack. It is full of security equipment and different hiking gear, extra clothes in case of chilly weather, flashlights, and a walkie talkie that can be used in remote places.

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